5 Ways To Advertise/Boost Your Photo Booth Business

5 Ways To Advertise/Boost Your Photo Booth Business

5 Ways To Advertise/Boost Your Photo Booth Business

Aug 17, 2022

If you have a photo booth business or are in the party rental industry, a crucial factor as a business owner is finding ways to effectively market and advertise your photo booth services. 

As a matter of fact, a great amount of your success as a business owner will correlate directly to your marketing campaigns. 

Within this article, we will take a deep dive at the many different ways you can advertise your business’s services at little to no cost.

1 - Social Media Platforms
It’s 2022, if you don’t already have an account set up for your photo booth business on any social media platforms, go ahead and create a few today. 

Can Social Media Help Grow Your Photo Booth Rental Business?
Other than your own website (which we will touch on later in this article), the only other place/platform a potential customer is going to find you on is either social media or by word of mouth. Knowing the power that certain social media platforms hold, every photo booth business owner should at least have some sort of online presence in an effort to get their business’s name & services out there to potential customers. 

Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, Youtube, etc… should be utilized to the fullest when trying to land bookings for your photo booth rental services. Not only does posting frequently boost your organic reach across each platform you engage in, posting high quality variations of what you have to offer such as pictures, videos, reels, shorts, etc.. will maximize how many people will come across each of your posts. 

Remember, the more you let the world know what you have to offer, the higher the chance you will land a booking.  

2 - Flyers, Posters, & Business Cards
Once your rental business is completely set up and you have good points of contact put into place such as a good business email address & phone number, you can leverage this contact information to your advantage for free. 

Let's think logically for a second. Big businesses don't pay to have their services shown on massive billboards on busy roads & highways for no reason. Obviously, they are getting something out of it or else they would just be flushing money down the drain. 

One form of marketing that is extremely powerful, especially for local businesses is putting out as many flyers on telephone poles & posters in the ground at busy intersections as possible. 

Not only will you only be targeting people convenient to where you already live, but you’re also targeting people for free driving in their cars or either while they are crossing the street. The best part about this form of marketing is that it’s free and you can get your services shown to thousands of people on a daily basis. 

Business Cards are also a great form of getting your business’s name & services out there. While flyers & posters are a lot easier to see from a distance, business cards are very useful as well.

3 - Paid Advertising 
When it comes to photo booth advertising platforms such as Facebook, Google, & Tik Tok are great channels to market your services on & get your business known. This form of marketing is probably the most effective way to market what you have to offer, however, it comes with a cost. 

All three of these platforms have excellent step-by-step guides to show you how to effectively launch marketing campaigns. Although, if your budget is flexible it’s always better to have a professional be in charge of any advertising campaigns when going to market your business. 

Paid advertising is powerful and can really jumpstart any business a lot more than you would think. It’s always recommended to first start organically without having to put money towards marketing campaigns, and if you have a tight budget allocated for your business’s expenses, that's no problem at all. Once you have gained some traction within your business and have serviced a few events, then you should definitely consider looking into paid advertising when trying to generate more leads & money.  

4 - Website For Your Photo Booth Business
In today’s day in age, you must have some sort of channel or platform where potential customers can view your services & understand your business better. A website is crucial for any business trying to make a name for itself, especially in the photo booth industry.

Not only do you want a place where you can refer people to visit & view what services you’re providing, but you also want to convey the fact that you are a legitimate business.   

As you pursue the thought of building your own website, budget is usually a big factor. Websites like Wix & Weebly offer you the opportunity to build a free website that you can fully tailor to your business & the services you are providing.

Also, before creating your website you will want to think of a catchy domain name. The reason this is important is that your domain name or the URL link will be the first thing a potential customer needs to search to find your business. We recommend you pick something that directly correlates to what services you’re providing (Ex: photo booth rental) and something unique enough that will stick. 

5 - Email & SMS Marketing 
Once you have a website set up, offering a pop-up form where you can collect an email address or phone number can help you land a substantial amount of more bookings. 

After you have collected a list of contact information such as email addresses & phone numbers of potential customers looking to rent a photo booth, you can then re-target that same list that expressed interest on your website with a discount or special offer of some sort. These types of special offers can range from a discount off of your hourly rental rate, or even a free extra hour with your photo booth rental. 

When offering potential customers a special offer or discount through an email or SMS campaign, it greatly increases the chance for them to move forward with the services you're providing. Another tip we recommend is provoking a sense of urgency in all of your email & SMS campaigns. Having a sense of urgency will make any potential customer think that what you’re offering them is a limited time offer or will not be available in the future if they don't take action then and there.

One thing you should consider talking about is the benefits of what your photo booth is going to do for them and the event it will be at. There are so many different ways you can utilize an email & SMS list to land bookings for your business and fortunately, this is just one of them. In the second series of this article, we will touch on the many other ways you can advertise your photo booth business and most importantly, ways to make more money.